Clean Trains Now!

Bhutila’s Plan for the Union Pearson Express

On June 2, Bhutila tabled the Clean Trains Now Act. Residents in Parkdale—High Park and across Toronto have long had diesel trains running through our neighbourhoods polluting our air. The impacts of diesel fumes on our health and on the environment are harmful; that’s why we need clean trains, now.

The bill seeks to accomplish the following:

  1. Electrification: Transition the UPX from being powered by diesel fuel to being powered by electrification.
  2. Fare integration: Full fare integration so passengers on the UPX can travel on all public transit routes in the City of Toronto for up to two hours on a single fare.
  3. Increase capacity: Increase in the capacity to serve passengers by increasing service frequency, carrying capacity of trains, and the number of trains.

The plan is supported by:

  • Parkdale—High Park for Climate Action
  • Green 13
  • Junction Residents Association
  • Safe Rail Communities
  • TTC Riders
  • Environmental Defence

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