Take Action on Islamophobia

Take Action on Islamophobia

On June 6, 2021, three generations of a Muslim family were killed in an Islamophobic attack in London.

Ontario should be a province in which Muslim families can live without fear – regardless of the religion they practice, their clothes, or the colour of their skin.

Support the Our London Family Act, which will address the calls to action directed at provincial governments in the NCCM’s recommendations to the National Summit on Islamophobia including:

  • A provincial review of hate crimes and hate-motivated incidents in Ontario, so we can reduce their occurrences
  • New tools and strategies for Ontario schools to combat all forms of racism, including Islamophobia
  • Safe Zones around religious institutions, which are often the targets of intimidation and hate motivated demonstrations
  • Empowerment of the Speaker to ban protests at Queen’s Park that incite hate
  • Dismantling white supremacist groups by preventing them from registering as societies, and prevent acts of intimidation
  • The establishment of an Ontario Anti-Racism Advisory and Advocacy Council, to make sure racialized communities have a say on government policies that impact their lives.

Will you sign?

Islamophobia, white supremacy and hate crimes are on the rise, and words are not enough. No one should be scared to go for a walk while wearing a hijab, or fear worshipping at their masjid. We must take urgent action to eradicate Islamophobia, white supremacist groups and hate crimes.

The Ontario NDP and the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) have collaborated on new legislation to fight back against Islamophobia and hate. Add your name to call for urgent action to tear down Islamophobia, white supremacist groups and organized hate:
